How To Choose An Internet Plan


For many people, home internet access is a must-have. The internet can provide hours of entertainment and productivity, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. However, when signing up for home internet access, you will need to choose an internet service plan from an ISP. You'll want a plan that offers you fast service and all the features you need. Here are four tips that will help you select a great internet plan:

1. Consider both promotional and regular prices

Some ISPs offer promotional prices to new customers. These special prices go into effect immediately and usually last for a year, after which time, customers must pay the regular price for internet service. Promotional prices can be great deals that allow you to save a lot of money. However, you should take the regular price of internet service into account, as well, when choosing an ISP. Considering your long-term costs will help you make a prudent internet plan selection.

2. Choose a plan that offers the modem and router combination that you need

Modems and routers are devices that allow people to connect to the internet wirelessly. When you sign up for an internet service plan, a technician will come to your house to install a modem, router, or both. Modems are necessary to connect to the internet, while routers allow you to use multiple devices on the internet simultaneously. If you don't already own a modem and router, you will probably want to choose an ISP that provides these devices to its customers. You can choose a standalone modem and router or a device that accomplishes the tasks of both.

3. Select a plan with high-speed internet access

Internet access comes at different speeds depending on the plan you select. Some plans offer faster connectivity than others, which can translate into quicker downloads and fewer instances of lagging on streaming content. Internet speed is typically measured in megabits per second. If you need high-speed internet access, you'll want to pay for a plan that guarantees a high download and upload speed of megabits per second.

4. Look for an internet plan that will allow you to connect to the internet while away from home

Your internet service plan will allow you to use the internet as long as you're in the range of your router. However, some ISPs also offer hotspot service. This service will allow you to connect to public internet signals on your ISP network wherever they are available. 

Contact a local internet provider to learn about available internet service plans.


12 August 2021

Staying Safe Online

When my husband and I decided to put a family computer smack dab in the middle of the living room, I never thought that we would have a difficult time keeping our kids safe online. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, we realized that one or more of our children was struggling with visiting websites where they shouldn't step foot. After a long process of testing out different internet safety software, we learned how to keep our kids safer. I want to show you the things that we learned, which is why I put up this site. Read these articles to learn more about internet safety, so that you can protect your children from online predators.