How To Choose The Right Internet Service Provider


The Internet has grown to become one of the most-used services in almost any household. It is actually pretty rare to meet a person who doesn't use the Internet to perform some action each day. Whether it be completing homework assignments, working in the virtual environment, downloading music, or even playing games with live users all across the world, the Internet has indeed taken over. You might be planning to move to a new place and have discovered that there is more than one Internet service provider (ISP) in the area.

15 December 2020

Why Your Connection Speeds Matter When Selecting An Internet Service Provider


Are you in the process of selecting an internet provider and feel a bit overwhelmed with all the different options for connection speeds? Here are some reasons to spend a little more money on faster speeds. Avoid Internal Network Congestion  With the increase in people working from home, you are certainly going to have some network congestion issues. If you have a small cap for bandwidth and multiple people are trying to download files and video conferences, you'll run into problems with not having enough bandwidth for everyone to do what they're trying to do.

29 September 2020

Why Speed Is Important For Your School's Internet Connection


It's not too hard to find a high-speed internet connection these days, whether it's the coffee shop down the street or the smart phone in your pocket. In some cases though, an organization like a business or a school with a large network to manage might still be behind the times when it comes to internet speed. If your school is still providing the kids with an internet connection that is significantly slower than what they can get at home or a variety of other locations, you are putting your entire institution at a disadvantage.

16 March 2020